Sunday, November 11, 2007

But one moon

Today I made my first Moon vessel and am rather pleased with how it came out. I need to run out to the Wholesale house and get more of the chain necklaces. I rather like this chain, very simple and doesn't take away from the work. So. seeing as I am out of chain right now, this is probably a good opportunity to get working on a logo or header for these. I also have to start working on display and packaging. I suppose the display aspect can wait as I really am not planning on doing any kind of fair or show before the Renaissance Festival next season. The moon is 1 1/4" across and a bit less than 3/4" deep. These images are not very clear, but the little treasures inside the vessels are floating around loosely and you have to move them around in order to read the message inside.The quote inside the moon reads: The moon looks upon many night flowers; the night flowers see but one moon. -Jean Ingelow-

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