Monday, August 01, 2011

"Bibelebonse Mensen" Journal page

I was attempting to clear off my work space when I ran into a bunch of left over bits and pieces from previous projects. This is a journal spread that developed from it.

Months ago I printed up the words from an old Dutch nursery rhyme "The Bibelebonse Mensen". I remember it well, even though I was very little when my Father would bounce me up and down on his knee and recite it to me. He did it with my children as well.

It's actually a somewhat silly nonsense rhyme, yet I find it very haunting.

The photos of the little girl were taken by my Father while we were out on a Sunday walk in Holland. Geez ... I was a cute little kid ... if I may say so myself.


  1. Hi Ingrid: You were a cutie! Aren't we still cuties?
    Lori Nowak

  2. This journal page is beautiful. I love the chocolate drips coming down from the top and the pictures of you. How sweet they are. Your lettering is beautiful too...but I'm not sure what the Bibelobonse Mensen is/means?!? is therapy so keep on keepin on!

  3. Love those photos of you as a child! I don't remember seeing them, but I DO remember Dad's nursey rhyme and being bounced on his knee! YOUR niece actually got a tattoo of the nickname he used to call her...ukkepuk on her wrist. Thank God she asked me for the correct spelling before she had it permenantly put on her flesh!

  4. ...Ha!!! Op de Bibelebonse Bergen, wonen Bibelebonse mensen, en die Bibelebonse mensen hebben Bibelebonse kinderen en de Bibelebonse kinderen eten Bibelebonse pap met een Bibelebonse lepel uit een Bibelebonse nap...
    Thank you for reminding me of this old rhyme, it is a memory of my childhood too!

  5. The photos are adorable! And as always, your journal pages are fabulous!

  6. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Een schattig meisje en een interessante pagina.

  7. Oh yes, I remember that rhyme! It's one of the many nonsensical rhymes we were taught as children.

    @Bohemiannie (hello!)
    mensen means people. Bibelebonse means nothing, it's just the sound of it that's fun. So it's "Bibelebonse people" really. See...nonsense! ;-)

  8. Jaaa de Bibelebonse mensen!!! Ik had er hele voorstellingen van toen ik "nog klein" was. Mooi werk allemaal en mens wat wat heb jij een mooi handschrift: daar ben ik zooo jaloers op! Prachtig!

  9. Ik heb me altijd afgevraagd hoe 'Bibelebonse pap' zou smaken...

  10. What a wonderful keepsake Ingrid! And yes, you were a very cute little girl! LOL!!

  11. How pretty! I love how you incorporate the photos into your pages! Thanks for sharing that with us!


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