Saturday, March 08, 2014

Ransom Style Lettering

I have been working in File Folder Journal #3 for awhile now ... a couple of years (on and off) to be more exact.  It has a certain feel to it that is so different from all my other journals ... even other File Folder Journals.  I can't quite pin point why, but it's by far my most favorite journal of all time. Perhaps it is because I have been working on it for so long ... it has so many layers and "history".

I added some ransom style lettering awhile back and left it feeling that it was somewhat incomplete and lacking.  Having gotten back to it recently, I realized it needed a bit of simple doodling around some of the letters.  I'm much happier with it now.  I might even add more "stuff" later.

My schedule for this year has filled up quite nicely for the year.  I hope to also start having workshops locally at a brand new venue not too far from home ... in fact it's about a 35 minute drive for me.  More on that soon as it all starts to come together at THRIVE.  In the mean time, please check out the top of the right hand side bar on my blog for my 2014 schedule as it stands right now.


  1. I love the doodles on the letters - they certainly add an even more artful touch :-)

  2. The doodling is the perfect touch.

  3. I love the typography Ingrid.

  4. That purple works beautifully with the black and white.

  5. Love it Ingrid. Looks great!

  6. I love this lettering! so cool!

  7. Beautiful work. The top image looks like a sideways Dalek! (That's a great thing.) :)


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