Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Fundamentally Female"

Ages ago I was invited to submit a journal spread for possible inclusion in a book to be written by Renee Rongen.  Quite honestly, I never heard back after sending it off and forgot about it. So it was quite a surprise when a couple of copies of this book came in the mail today. 
I have spent the whole afternoon savoring this beautiful book. I highly recommend it! The inside cover reads -

Fundamentally Female is a global collaborative- for, about, and largely by women - that identifies the universal substance of a woman: the friendships she honors, the vulnerability she exposes, the impact she makes, the intimacy she covets, and the secrets she keeps.

Rich in wit, wisdom, and honesty, this collection of candid and diverse voices speaks to generations of females in search of confirmation, inspiration, and joy as it peels away the layers to expose the very soul of womanhood.

Master storyteller Renee Rogen amasses a feast of quips and quotes, provocative vignettes, and tender stories that spans the gamut of the female experience, then wraps it in delicious, eclectic artwork by artists from around the world.


  1. Lovely! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations Ingrid. Your artwork looks wonderful on those pages!

  3. Yay! Congrats on being published!

  4. Wow, what a great surprise! Will definitely have to check out the book, and your spread looks awesome. Love the green and blue with the black and white accents!

  5. Love this! Sometime maybe I'll get a chance to take one of your workshops.

  6. A beautiful art journal page, Ingrid. You must be thrilled to be included in the book - it's beautifully presented.

    I wonder if I could ask for some advice, please? I am having problems getting really good white journaling on my pages. My first attempt had quite large text and I ended up painting it with white acrylic, which worked fine, but was rather time consuming and not suitable for larger quantities of smaller text. I have a white Uni-Ball Signo pen which works quite well as long as the background is not water soluble (e.g. distress inks etc.) - on acrylic it works fine, but anything water-based and it dissolves it and the text comes out not white, but a paler shade of what's underneath. Can I ask you what you use? Many thanks!


  7. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I can not thank you adequately for the posts on your web site. I know you'd put a lot of time and effort into them and hope you know how much I appreciate it. I hope I'll do exactly the same for someone else at some point.

  8. Such a great page, and worthy of inclusion in what sounds like a very special book that might make my Christmas wish list ....

  9. Hello Ms. Ingrid! Every time I come to your page.... it tickles me. I loved it when I first saw the artwork and love it more each time i see it! You are such a talented woman. I myself cannot even draw a stick person! So appreciate amazing artwork when I see it. As you probably know, I am an inspirational speaker, comedian and author so it was so fun to include all of your and other artists work. What you may not know is that a large portion of my proceeds of this book and any line developed under it goes to domestic violence shelters across the country. Thank you so much for making a difference. Bless you in all of your work! Renee' Rongen - author of Fundamentally Female

  10. Hello Ms. Ingrid! Every time I come to your page.... it tickles me. I loved it when I first saw the artwork and love it more each time i see it! You are such a talented woman. I myself cannot even draw a stick person! So appreciate amazing artwork when I see it. As you probably know, I am an inspirational speaker, comedian and author so it was so fun to include all of your and other artists work. What you may not know is that a large portion of my proceeds of this book and any line developed under it goes to domestic violence shelters across the country. Thank you so much for making a difference. Bless you in all of your work! Renee' Rongen - author of Fundamentally Female


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