Tuesday, December 18, 2012


We have been very busy revamping a spare bedroom into an office.  Stripping out old carpet, repainting the room and getting new furniture.  It sure has been a lot of work, but now I am having fun with a few accessories.  The unit above was actually made a few years ago by my husband.  I added some feet and painted it.

I'm too short to reach the upper shelf in the closet, so I bought a wooden foot stool from the thrift shop to assist me ... and of course I painted it.

I also made and painted a wooden box to hold scrap paper.  It's 5" X 7" and 4" tall.  Just the perfect size for 1/4 sheets of used printer paper.  We always seem to have tons of used printer paper and I write so many notes - I find it makes for great scrap paper.


  1. What is it about dots and stripes that are so pleasing!? I love your added feet to your storage unit!

  2. Fun furniture! Great color and pattern choices.

  3. wow brilliant design - love the furniture - got me thinking now

  4. This is so cool! It's nice to give furniture a personal touch.

  5. Oh I LOVE what you've done! I've got Ikea stuff in my studio, but if I was starting again ....

  6. How fun and beautiful. Every office should come with dots and stripes.


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