Saturday, December 01, 2012

The Heidelberg Project

The yellow and green house shown above is the Detroit Industrial Gallery, studio of artist Tim Burke.
Yesterday we were in Detroit and saw "The Heidelberg Project".  I am sharing a video that explains the project better than I can.

Below, are a few photos that I took while we were there.

We were fortunate to catch the creator of the Heidelberg Project, Tyree Guyton, working on his project and had a brief conversation with him.


  1. It's great to see this project. Thanks for sharing it -- what a difference it makes to have all that treasure in what was seen only as blight. Artists always refocus our vision.

  2. WOW, thanks for sharing this amazing journey for the Detroit neighborhood. It is like nothing I have ever seen or probably will ever see in my lifetime. How inspiring!

  3. Amazing...thanks for sharing the site! Definitely a place worth seeing!

  4. Awesome!!!! Thanks for sharing this.

  5. Thanks for sharing such a great project. Diane

  6. Really great, tnkx for sharing;o)


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