Friday, January 18, 2013

Workshop Preparation

I am working very hard at preparing for my upcoming workshops.  I am always surprised by how much work it is.  Above is a small portion of the 300 sets of "The Bee Book" and "The Hand Book" that my husband sawed out.  These are only the wooden covers.  This doesn't include the provided boxboard pages and the collage sheet packets that go along with the kits.

This photo is of the 495 paper mache boxes sitting in my foyer that need to be unpacked, sorted, resized and altered to work for upcoming workshops.

This is the stack of 500 large sheets of paper that need to be cut down to size and repacked for kits.  Of course, those are just the highlights.  While I love what I do, it does involve an awful lot of prep work and planning and certainly explains why I haven't been posting pictures of new work.  It's coming, it just takes time ....


  1. Sounds like alot of hard work but it will be so worth it to your students. Your work is amazing and such an inspiration. Good luck!

  2. Sounds like alot of hard work but it will be so worth it to your students. Your work is amazing and such an inspiration. Good luck!

  3. Sounds like alot of hard work but it will be so worth it to your students. Your work is amazing and such an inspiration. Good luck!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thank is quite a bit of yummy stuff there. Though it sounds like a big task, I bet it is going to be fun. Wish I was there. LOL

  6. What dedication, I hope your students appreciate it:)

  7. Just think of all the $$$ in the bank when it's over. You will have deserved ever single cent.

  8. As a past student I can say..Ingrid is an amazing teaching and an even more amazing person.. I know I appreciate all the hard work you put in for the wonderful classes.. I can't wait to take another with you... (((Hugs)))

  9. it surely looks interesting and fun!

  10. I think that making component parts can be a zen sort of activity sometimes.

  11. Oh goodness seems like a lot of work.

  12. Oh my Ingrid, that's some workload you have there! Judging by your results I'd say it was all worth it! Anything done with love is ....


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