Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Artist Spotlight

butterfly page

I am honored to be in the "Artist Spotlight" with an interview over at  Art Camp For Woman.  Please go and check it out!


  1. Wonderful post Ingrid. Your journals are so unique and I LOVE them.


  2. A very articulate interview. Some day I hope to take one of your classes.

  3. Congratulations! I am always so blown away by your marvelous work and inspirational journals.

  4. Your work is just so amazing, Ingrid!

  5. Your journals are always so beautiful. I love the detail and I am so pleased that you have started making video clips. It enables us to be able to appreciate them even more. It will be interesting to see the video on deconstructing a file folder.

  6. Fabulous! I see you are selling the the wooden frames for the hand journals and others. I will be getting back to you on ordering one at some point. Thanks so much for the demo's on your side bar. You are so inspiring and such a wonderful artist!

  7. Thank you so much for all your inspiring posts. Love reading them and your videoclips are wonderful. I hope you will have time to make more of them.


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