Friday, June 14, 2013

Working Out the Bugs

It's such a busy time of year for me. Workshop prep, making flight/hotel arrangements, travel, teaching, unpacking and then getting ready for the next trip.  I try to schedule at least 2 weeks between workshops and that gives me just enough time to clear my head, get some household things taken care of and start prepping again.  I basically hit the ground running every time I come home. Unless you teach workshops at retreats, you can not truly comprehend the amount of time it all involves. Not to mention trying to squeeze time in for sending in class proposals for upcoming classes, coming up with new workshops, ordering "stuff", photographing work, let alone trying to do a little journaling.   I am late answering emails, I don't keep in touch with dear friends as well as I would like to.  Most understand, some don't.  Phew, I get tired thinking about it all!  Really, I am not complaining because I absolutely love every part of  it, but often I have to put a lot on the back burner, and many things just end up not getting done at all.  And I guess that's just the nature of this sort of life.  In the meantime, I made some badly needed time to do a little journaling this morning and it felt really great!

Just a reminder that I will be in New York City next week at "The Little Bird Studio".  I'll be teaching "The File Folder Journals" (This workshop is full) and "The Journal Obscura" (Still 2 spots open in this class).  I am looking so forward to this event.  Last years trip to New York was one of my favorites.


  1. Great journal spread. Sometimes I have to be busy (maybe, even too busy) to get motivated to be assertive enough to make time for art.

  2. Gorgeous journal spread!

  3. Hi Ingrid, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  4. Hi Ingrid,
    You do have a lot of balls in the air! As a former teacher, and current student (wait, isn't that backwards?), I so much appreciate your investment in us. Glad you found time for some journaling. Balance. hugs and juicy pens, karen

  5. Love your new beetle page... Is that a scarab or a dung ? Neat work... as always... :)

  6. Your works are so wunderful! All of them...

  7. This is just fantastic!

  8. Your post is so interesting. I've often wished I could be in your shoes, i.e., a successful teacher, my art as my occupation. But I know, as you've verified , that you must be constantly on the run from class to class. I think I'd be exhausted! Are you still loving this artful life? I hope one day to be able to take one of your classes.


Thank you for stopping by my blog and for taking the time to comment!
I appreciate each and every comment I receive. I will always respond and answer questions if there is any way to get back to you. Even if your name is listed, often there is no email address attached. So, if I don't respond to your comment, it doesn't mean I don't care, I just can't find you!