Tuesday, July 02, 2013

"The Bug Book"

I have been working on a brand new series of journals, "The Bug Books".  I have so much imagery, so many ideas and am so excited about these that I just couldn't stop with making only one.  At this point I have 3 of them in the works and am planning to start another. 

I have always LOVED the binder format for journals.  It has so many advantages over a bound journal.  The pages can be taken out to be worked on individually (no worries about messing up the rest of your journal as you work on one page), the pages can easily be rearranged, more pages can be added, if you should really mess up a page that you are unable (or just unwilling) to salvage, you simply remove it and you can use any kind of paper in the journal that you like ... my favorite being boxboard.

After a long search, I have found a manufacturer that can make the ring binder mechanisms to my specifications.   As a result, I have developed a workshop that we can take an old discarded hard bound book (surely destined for the land fill) and transform it into a most amazing journal! How cool is that?!

This workshop, "The Bug Book", along with "The Hand Book", The Bee Book" AND "The File Folder Journals" is scheduled to be taught at Jean Van Brederode's Studio, "Charmed I'm Sure" in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania September 6, 7, and 8th, 2013. Hope you can join us!


  1. These bug books look fabulous....and I like the folder idea, espcially being able to work on the pages out of the book.

  2. i love these bug books! :) Fantastic

  3. Love, love, love it! I have two small binders that need this!

  4. These are amazing. I love them and the idea of retrofitting a hard cover book into a binder type journal. I so wish you taught some courses online. I'd love to learn more from you :)

  5. Yes.....I second the request for online classes. PLEASE consider it.

  6. They look so great.
    Liefs, Melanie

  7. In agreement with Bonnie and Sharon, would love to see you offer this as an online course for those of us not fortunate enough to live near where you teach!

  8. In agreement with Bonnie and Sharon, would love to see you offer this as an online course for those of us not fortunate enough to live near where you teach!

  9. In agreement with Bonnie and Sharon, would love to see you offer this as an online course for those of us not fortunate enough to live near where you teach!

  10. love your gorgeous bug images Ingrid. ooh online classes - reach the masses overseas! lol

  11. Very cool journal! And, how neat that you found someone to make binder mechanisms for you.

  12. Being an entomologist, this book really appeals to me. I wish you would come to the West Coast!
    Aloha, Kate

  13. Fantastic bugs and an amazing book! I've always loved such very detailed illustrations of plants and insects - they're almost architectural in their quality. I'm also excited by the possibilities of switching to a ring binder journal - I've got a few spiral bound ones I probably ought to use up first ... but we shall see!
    Thank you as ever for all your inspiration.


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