Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Journal Pages

It seems like forever ago that I have worked in my journals.  I have to admit I have really missed it.  Now I am making up for lost time and have been journaling like crazy. These are a few I have been working on and are all done in File Folder Journal Number 4.

I find that this style of journal to be a real challenge to work in as they involve a lot of problem solving.  As with my other File Folder Journals, they are made up of random papers, junk mail, old books and assorted vintage papers. With the way they are constructed all the papers end up in rather unpredictable locations on the pages and throughout the journal.

I also have chosen to post pages with lots of complaining, which I usually don't post. If you chose to enlarge these images and read what I have written, don't say you weren't warned!

I'm really starting to develop a love for handmade tabs on pages.  I have included a few in this journal, but have plans to make many more.  Those will be in my next post .... now off to journal and make tabs ...


  1. Sorry to hear about your dental problems. I, too, do not know what to do about posting complaining pages. I know a lot of people just blur out anything personal. I do not post anything personal and in fact it is one thing that has stopped me from doing a blog at all. I think it is better to be real and not worry about what other people think but it is harder to actually do that.
    Aloha, Kate

  2. Love your style :-) Happy weekend

  3. I love seeing your journals - great inspiration.


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