Tuesday, December 03, 2013

File Folder Journal Page

This spread in File Folder Journal #4 was just finished up today.  I have been wanting to share how a typical page develops in this style of journal construction. I always think of this AFTER I have finished a spread. Fortunately, I remembered to take photos along the way this time.

The page above is a typical beginning of a page from a File Folder Journal. The file Folder Journal is made up of various papers that are glued and sewn together in a random fashion making for rather unpredictable pages.  It's a lot different working on this type of page verses a journal with white blank pages. 

I usually start by adding a few bits and pieces of paper and then start adding a slight amount of color.  The page continues to be slowly built up from there. There is an awful lot of problem solving involved.  In a way these pages are more difficult to work on than blank pages, but you  are forced to work on them in a completely different way than most journals.  As a result you end up with very interesting journal pages that you would normally never come up with.

On the areas that I want to write on, the background might have a very busy look to it.  In that case, the background has to be obscured a bit so that writing will show up.  Often times I get to a point that I feel a bit stuck.  To remedy this I just set it aside for awhile and come back to it later.  This usually works.  This is my 4th File Folder Journal and has become one of my favorite styles of journals to work in.


  1. I absolutely love your work!!! Thanks for sharing this idea!

  2. Again a wonderful book! I am a constant follower of your blog an love your art very much.
    Best regards from Germany

  3. Again a wonderful book. I constantly follow your blog and love the art you make.
    Best regards from Germany

  4. I like seeing how the pages came together. Thanks for showing it.


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