A Rather Nasty Troll
I'm only sharing a part of this journal page. I try to keep my journaling positive, but once in awhile I admit to ranting in my journals. It's an amazing release of negative energy. So rather than share my rant I will just share this rather nasty looking troll as I rather like how it turned out. I am trying to brush on on my long neglected drawing skills by incorporating more drawing into my journaling lately.
Fab troll......puts me in mind of Three Billy Goats Gruff....great idea to share part of a page and keep the rest private.
Oh... I love this little troll ,snot and all !! LOL!! Love not sharing all of what you put in your journal ! I told my son that when I pass away.. he might be shocked by some of my journal pages !! LOL !!
Ingrid, you always inspire me. I LOVE venting in my journals though I try to keep them positive. When I do vent I will write one way and then write upside down a bit, that way no one can read it... that way I am able to vent without being so negative. I love your troll. It could definitely be used as your 'inner critic'. Well done!
Big hugs and many blessings.
I absolutely love this, here's to releasing negative engery when it ends up looking like that. :0)
I try to stay positive in life, but in my journaling anything goes. I think its healthy to vent on the page rather than at someone!
I'd love for you to check this project out, seems like it might be up your ally:
He's wonderfully "nasty", Ingrid! 'specially love the dripping snot - the perfect touch! Keep releasing that awesome energy. Can't wait to see more of your drawings. Hugs, Terri xoxo
I like your troll.
I am sorry that he signals a bad time for you,
He Is One
I like him.
He's so wonderfully nasty, and hey aren't trolls just a part of life- warts and all?
I love all the drawing you're incorporating- you style kind of reminds me of Maurice Sendack.
Oh and the snot was thePERFECT finishing touch :)
Great therapy Ingrid! I must check out your workshops!
Your work is such eye candy. I love visiting your site.
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