Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hand Book

Admittedly, the Hand Book shown above has only the covers done.  I have since designed, sized and printed collage sheets to be used in workshops for this book.  Within a few weeks I will make another Hand Book to incorporate all this imagery and also do a beaded spine.  I always like to have samples that include various stages of a project when I can.

Scroll down to see more photos of the Hand Book.


  1. just fabulous -- this is just so cool

  2. wow - that looks absolutely stunning Ingrid.

  3. Your artistic creations are outstanding. I love your blog and have visited often . . . I even thought that I was a follower, then in checking I wasn't there. So, I tried again . . . I hope it took this time, I hate missing any new posts. Have a great day, Connie :)

  4. Hi Ingrid !! Love this new idea!! Guess what? I will be attending your classes in New York next week!!! I will be staying with Eileen and will be attending with a few if my wonderful New York friends! Looking forward to seeing you there!!

  5. i am loving this book! where will you be teaching it?

  6. Many thanks Nicole. It has been submitted as a proposal for several retreats for 2013. It's up to the retreat organizers now whether they accept it or not. The right hand side bar of my blog lists all confirmed retreats and I also make announcements on my blog and face book.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love your work. Have you given any thought to an online class?

  9. Love your work. Have you given any thought to an online class?


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