Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Interview by Sara Naumann!

I am honored to have been interviewed by Sara Naumann for her  series "Talking with Teachers" as seen at her blog  "Sara Naumann : In Pursuit of the Muse" .

"Under the Sea"

In Sara's series, Talking with Teachers, you’ll meet art and craft instructors from around the world, Look at their artwork, peek into their creative process when it comes to designing and developing workshops, and—of course—check out their class lineup.

"Ambrosia Journals"

My class line up for Art and Soul in Portland, Oregon for 2012 -
•186 - Ambrosia Journal - Friday Oct 5
•187 - Under the Sea - Sunday October 7
•188 - Twirly Swirly - Thursday Oct 4
•450 - Butterfly Book - Saturday AM Oct 6

"Twirly Swirly Journals"

Plan on spending some time pursuing Sara's blog and looking at her beautiful collage and jewelry work.  She also will be teaching at Art and Soul in Portland this year!


  1. I would so love to be there Ingrid.

  2. I would love to take ALL your classes ! I really love the Under the Sea. Is that the technique from the Rabbit Hole?


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