Friday, September 21, 2012

"Journal Obscura"

The Journal Obscura

I have been hard at work and can hardly contain my excitement!  Even though this new journal is far from complete, I just had to share a few photos of it as it progresses.

The concept of this journal is loosely based on the Camera Obscura, which translates from Latin to mean; camera for "vaulted chamber/room", obscura for "dark", together "darkened chamber/room".  I find this concept fascinating and oh so perfect to base a rather intriguing journal on.

Admittedly, I find this a little bit eerie, but don't you just love what's inside the "lens" underneath the "lens cap"? It's a small doll face suspended between layers of mica.


The pages for this journal are unbound and are stored inside the Journal Obscura, a whole new and unexplored format for me.

This is a new workshop I am developing.  While it's too late to offer this class in 2013 at the larger retreats, it will be available at several private retreats for 2013. Stay tuned for more details to follow on locations and dates.

Inside of the Journal Obscura

The size of the Journal Obscura is 7" X 9" and (including "lens cap") is 5" tall. Journal pages are 6" X 8" and are made of sturdy box board.


  1. looks fantastic, great concept!

  2. the three hares image:)

  3. Ingrid you have excelled (again) LOVE it so much. I used to read 'tales from the dark side' many many years ago and there was a story about a 'camera obscura' - love the images you have captured in this project. Thank you for sharing it. WEll done. Love it love it love it.

  4. Oh Ingrid, you have the most awesome projects. I am always waiting to see what you come up with next. Love it!

  5. WHat a wonderful, unique and somewhat mysterious idea for a journal... I love it. Your work is stellar!!


  6. WHat a wonderful, unique and somewhat mysterious idea for a journal... I love it. Your work is stellar!!


  7. Ingrid, wat leuk om jouw blog te vinden via Jenny Doh! Schitterend, I love the camera obscura. xo Lidy

  8. Wow, WOW and triple wow! You have such wonderful idea .... love it.

  9. You continue to amaze me with your never-ending creative imagine and style!

  10. Anonymous11:10 AM

    It was excited to come across your site a short while ago. I arrived here today hoping to learn interesting things. I was not upset. Your well thought out ideas with new strategies on this subject matter were enlightening and a great help to me. Thank you for making time to create these things and for sharing your mind.

  11. ohhh ingrid, the bee book, the hand book... the journal obscura! Your talents are amazing and so is your productivity!

    I have always adored the shaped pages and "over the edge" ~ I even did a beaded page myself, after seeing one of yours and i love it.

    Somerset, NJ and NYC are not very far from me ~ so finally getting the chance to meet you in 2013 and taking a class isn't out of the realm of possibility!

    ~ vicki xo
    PS I still have your interactive ATC from 2006 "by words the mind is winged!"


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