Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Home from "Art and Soul" Portland

I came in early this morning from a fabulous week in Portland teaching at "Art and Soul".  Being an instructor I had to get up very early to prepare for the day's class .... but it was oh so worth it.  This is the view I had every morning from my breakfast table.
This is a view from my balcony.  That's Washington state on the other side of the bridge.  The retreat was at the Red Lion on Hayden Island.
Another view from my balcony looking the other way with Mount Hood in the distance.
A photo from Vendor night.
My flight home with a few shots of Mount Hood, such a beautiful mountain! 
More photos to follow of class work!


  1. Welcome home! Looking forward to pictures.

  2. Welcome home! Looking forward to pictures.

  3. Didn't find out you were so close until after the Art and Soul classes.I live in Eugene and would have LOVED to have taken your class. Please come back again.


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