Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Twirly Swirly Journals"

I'm the first to admit, I am terrible about taking class photos of the wonderful work made by students. I get so involved in the work that I forget ... ever single time.  These were taken after class was over and half the students had already left.  Non-the-less the work you see here is absolutely top notch. This is from "Art and Soul" in Portland this past week.


  1. These look really interesting and fun. Some day (heavy sigh) I'm going to get to Art & Soul and take some fabulous classes like yours:)

  2. It was so much fun being in this class with you and all my compatriots! You are such a great teacher, so pataient and kind--I can't wait for next fall in Portland when I can make your bee book with you. (Soooo love those little butterfly books!) XO Ellen Specht


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