Saturday, February 09, 2013

File Folder Journal #3

As you can see by the date in red below, I started this File Folder Journal last year in April.  I have hardly touched it since.  Fortunately, while I was in California last week I had a little time to work on this journal.  It is still very far from complete and  I really only have 2 completed spreads at this point.  However, many of the pages are beginning to develop nicely now ... it has been a work in progress and probably will be for quite some time.


  1. Love the stripes and circles..NICE Look!

  2. I think it's wonderful Inspiration for me. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh mon Dieu! J'ai la mâchoire qui traîne au sol, les bras qui tombent et le cerveau en ébullition. J'ai du découvrir un passage secret vers un autre monde. Un monde merveilleux, pour lequel, je suis tombée en admiration, en amour. J'ai regardé jusqu'à votre premier message le MERCREDI 24 MAI 2006. Merci à vous! Je suis française et je ne parle pas anglais alors j'utilise "Reverso"... Ce n'est pas très exact mais j'espère que vous comprendrez ce que je dis. Permettez-moi de vous inviter sur FB.

    Oh my God! I have the jaw which is lying about(dawdles) on the ground, the arms which fall and the boiling brain. I have of to discover a secret passage towards another world. A wonderful world, for which, I fell in admiration, in love. I looked up to your first message WEDNESDAY, MAY 24TH, 2006. Thanks to you! I am French and I do not speak English then I use "Reverso"... It is not very exact but I hope that you will understand what I say. Allow me to invite you on FB.

  4. Always inspired by your beautiful work

  5. Intriguing and cool; somehow, you have brought crispness and fluidity together.

  6. Your file folder journals are so beautiful. I actually love the unfinished pages. They look so neat and serene. Wonderful.

  7. These colours are just great but patterns are absolutely gorgous!


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