Thursday, February 07, 2013

Workshops in Southern California

I returned a few days ago from sunny southern California. Fullerton, California to be exact.  I taught two new workshops while I was there at Katherine England's Studio.

Above is a photo of the outside of the studio.  Wouldn't that make you happy to look outside your back window and see this fabulous studio just waiting for you every morning?

The Workshops were "The Journal Obscura" and "The File Folder Journals".  We had lots of fun and made a terrible mess both days.

Sequins were everywhere.  I'm certain  Katherine will be finding sequins in the studio and throughout her house for many years to come.

Below are some examples of "The Journal Obscura".  I love how they all come out so differently when we are all using basically the same materials.

Katherine and I are hoping to get our schedules to mesh so that perhaps I can go back again in the beginning of June this year.  Be sure to check back!


  1. i love 'terrible mess'es :) they make my day! and this looks like a whole lot of fun!

  2. What great pictures from a magical weekend!!!!

  3. What great pics of a magical weekend.!!

  4. This looks like so much fun and all the creations look fantastic.


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