Monday, December 16, 2013

"I'm a Bad Dancer"

Here are a few photos from a couple of journal pages I have been working on lately. They are done in "File Folder Journal #4".  This is quickly becoming my favorite journal to work in of all time.  I really like the overall somewhat gritty appearance of this journal.

As it fills up, it is beginning to develop a rather soft and worn look from working in it and handling it. Even the pages feel good to the touch ... they make a wonderful sound when they are turned. That all really appeals to me and gives the journal the feeling that it has history.

This is a first for me, as far as I can remember.  I have never used "stickers" in a journal spread, but in an attempt to force myself to use up the mountains of "stuff" that I have, I thought it would be fun to try them. 


  1. I think it looks fab Ingrid - pity I can't do a touchy feely and hear it too! :)

  2. Lovely pages. Having the pages feel good is, indeed, a major element of journal pleasure. I totally know what you mean about working your way through mountains of unused supplies.

  3. i giggled when i read that you used your stickers. i always tell myself that i shouldn't buy one more thing and just use what i have on hand. i always buy more stuff. i applaud you for using things from your stash!

  4. OMG! I'm in love of your style!!!

  5. Ingrid, I love your style! You do a bit more "real" journaling than I do in my journal, mine is mostly just "art," but I do love what you do! I came across you from the fabulous Julie Fei-Fan Balze!! Look forward to seeing more of your inspiration!

  6. It's lovely and...I'm a bad dancer too!


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