Sunday, January 05, 2014

"Quotes Illustrated" by Lesley Riley

I am honored to have had my illustrated quote selected by Lesley Riley to appear in her new book "Illustrated Quotes"! What an amazing book! See the book description below as seen on

QUOTES ILLUSTRATED by Lesley Riley is a timeless source of inspiration and motivation. Through the diverse and eclectic work of over 90 artists, familiar and some not-yet-discovered quotes are brought to life.

It's an eye-opening experience to see how these talented artists interpret modern and age-old wisdom. To quote Georgia O'Keefe, "Art is not what you see,
 but what you make others see." And therein lies the magic of this book - it expands your awareness, so that you see, not only with new eyes, but come to understand how art can illustrate and illuminate more than words alone can express.


  1. Great quote, we'll illustrated (I don't have grandchildren yet, so I'm taking your word for it).

  2. Great quote, we'll illustrated. I don't have grandchildren yet, so I'm taking journal word for it.

  3. Congratulations on being included in Lesley's book. I have it on my wish list to purchase.
    Aloha, Kate


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