Monday, February 18, 2008

A million parts

I fired the kiln yesterday with at least a million pieces ... at least it seemed so. it took me forever to pour and finish all the pieces. There are 5 1/2 shelves full of (mostly double stacked) parts for vessels. Toward the end I ended up pouring a few fairies and woodsprites to help fill up the kiln.
I finished off one of the house shaped vessels. This is just a prototype. Have to experiment a bit till I find something I am really satisfied with, but I think this is a very nice start. Have to admit I am rather pleased with my faux heart shaped rocks. Now I am wishing that I had made more of them. I really don't plan of firing for awhile now. I believe I have enough fired pieces to carry me through for the Renaissance Festival this season. I did some serious making and firing of figures awhile back, including Elfins, fairies and wood sprites. And now with all these new vessels I am sure I have enough to keep me busy for a very long time. I am looking forward to working with all the new parts. I have many new shaped to experiment with that will really be a lot of fun. The quote inside the house shaped vessel reads "A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and then returns home to find it. -George Moore- ". The house shape is 5/8" X 1 1/2".


Anonymous said...

Wow: you did an big job! And now you can play on! Happy creating! I love the vessel.

Eastjewels said...

These pics of the kiln full of little dolls makes me want to make some. I haven't used my kiln in a couple of years, since I got so involved in altered arts, but I really need to follow your wonderful inspiration and do some clay work. Time? Time? Time? There is never enough of that it seems. These little precious pieces of your heart are so wonderful...Linda

Ginger said...

I was so inspired by your art i loved the The quote inside the house shaped vessel reads "A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and then returns home to find it. -George Moore- ".
i press on the picture to make it bigger wow awesome job.
Do you get the quote ?Then do your art i find that works for me.

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