This past weekend was Labor day weekend. Three days in a row of Festival is very long and hard. However, I had the pleasure of my 2 lovely assistants, shown above, to help the day go more smoothly.
We have had record crowds this year,
which can be exhausting and wonderful at the same time. Festival is all abuzz as next week (and the following 2 weeks) filming for a new movie ... apparently staring Jack Black will begin filming on festival grounds during fair hours. So little is know about the details right now, so of course rumors are flying, it should prove to be interesting and we are looking forward to it. In the meantime Festival is scrambling to accommodate record crowds, film crews and equipment. All the participants have to park at the ski resort 2 miles away and will be shuttled in by tour buses ... what fun and crazy 3 weekends these will be!
I love reading about your adventures at your Renn Faire. Keep them coming. Your shop looks great and the new display case fits perfectly front and center.
Here's the scoop Ingrid. The movie is called Ye Old Times.
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