Monday, September 27, 2010

"Artisan of the Year" Finalist

"Cloth, Paper, Scissors" has announced the finalists for the upcoming "Artisan of the Year" award for 2011. I am honored to say my "Ambrosia Journals" are 1 of the 5 finalists in the running for the Book Making / Art Journal category.


Diane O. said...

Good for you! Great work you've got. I added your recent Steampunk class at Hampton. Looking forward to Art & Soul.

Sue said...

Many congrats! Fingers crossed for the results!

stregata said...

Congratulations! I have my fingers crossed for you!

Miss Marple said...

Wow! How fantastic is that? I am going to keep my fingers crossed for you!

bockel24 said...

Congrats, Ingrid - and it´s well deserved!

A'n'G Johnson said...

congratulations, that must be such a nice pat on the back

Kathryn Dyche said...

Wooo hooo, way to go.

Elizabeth said...

WOOOO HOOOOOOO !!!! So very excited for you and your beautiful inspiring work!!! I am crossing all my fingers and toes!!!

Terri said...

Congratulations! I couldn't be happier for you!

Carol Q said...

so they should be - they're wonderful!

Anonymous said...

So deserved...congratulations and good luck!

Unknown said...

Sounds awesome! You are very deserving...fingers crossed here!

Healing Woman said...

I was going to enter but when I saw you were..I said.."There is no way I can compete with this fabulous artist and she is so very deserving!" I really hope you win. I'm rooting for you.

Sarah Anderson said...

Congratulations! Well done you, your journals are fab :)

jackie said...

How fantastic! You deserve the honors! Your talent always inspires and amazes me!

Shannon said...

An extremely well deserved honor. These art journals are so eye catching and so beautifully put together. When I was quickly looking through my blog roll and the tiny picture of these journals was on there, it immediately caught my eye and attention. I am in awe of these works of art. Congrats, you certainly deserved it, these are amazing.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

So many people acted like they were surprised that you were a finalist. Not me. I knew all along. I believe you will be the big winner, too. Of course, I always did think your art was special and one of a kind!

Cory said...

Congratulations Ingrid....well deserved.

Jeanne Nelson said...

Congratulations, Ingrid! Here's a toast to you, and your fantabulous artwork. Well deserved honor. Now I'm pulling for you to win! xoxo

Tami said...

CONGRATS, Ingrid!!! Well deserved!!!

Jeffy said...

Congratulations !!! I hope you win.

EVA said...

Congratulations!! They are amazingly creative and inspirational indeed!

God luck!

Halle said...

Awesome...never a doubt in my mind...

Seth said...

Congrats Ingrid. Not all all surprised that you are a finalist. Good luck!!

Lindart said...

Congratulations! Well deserved, although I can say I'm not surprised! You have always been TOPS in my book!

Dori Patrick said...

Well of course you are! Your work is awesome!!! Good for you!

Darrelyn said...

I can't imagine a more deserving recipient, Ingrid! Your work never fails to inspire, and make me smile. I'm rooting for you!

Joy Logan said...

you deserve it...amazing books and pieces!

.Trudi Sissons said...

I am not at all surprised you are in the final 5 and although I haven't seen the other four finalists, I would love to see your work take the prize! Congratulations and best of luck! AND - well deserved!

Lynda said...

These are absolutely beautiful! Congrats!

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