Seriously ?!
This past weekend, 5:00 pm ... my 17 year old daughter was a front seat passenger in this car. She is still not recovered from a car accident from when she was rear ended in February. That car was totaled also. (I mention the car was totalled, not for the loss of the car .... it can easily be replaced .... but to point out how serious these accidents were.)
How she even lived through this crash is mind boggling. Grant it she is really banged up, cut up, bruised and will no doubt be seeing a variety of specialists for months to come, it is a wonder she came away from this with no broken bones or major injuries.
This past Sunday 5:00 pm, 3 blocks from Saturdays accident, both my daughters and 1 year old grandchild were stopped at a traffic light and got rear ended and slammed into the car in front of them.
This car is also totalled (... less then 2,000 miles on it). Baby just suffered a belt burn on his shoulder and bit his tongue, 17 year spent the evening in 2 different hospitals, but again suffered only bumps and bruises on top of the ones she already had, other daughter ended up with stitches in her lip, a loose tooth and a very sore neck and back. Still, they were all very lucky, it could have been so much worse.
And to answer those many kind, concerned and thoughtful emails I have been getting over the past few months, asking if something has been up due to my lack of posting and not answering emails in a timely manner ... this past weekend is pretty typical of how our lives have been going over the past months. How we manage to get through one train wreck after another is a wonder, but we do. I'm thinking it's enough now and I am ready to have life get back to normal !
oh my goodness, i am so sorry. thank goodness your daughters and grandchild are ok.
I hope things take a turn for the better soon! I don't know if your daughter is lucky or unlucky but glad everyone is ok. What a scare for you.
wow that is totally crazy! Hope everyone is ok!
Oh my, Ingrid...this is a horrible series of events for you and your family. I am so very sorry and am sending your daughters and you much love and healing. You remain in my thoughts.
Peace & Love,
Oh My! I am so glad to hear that everyone is OK. Thankfully cars now a days are made with what they call "Crush Factor" (I think). Which means they can be hit pretty bad and look like doo doo on the outside, but the car kinda folds and crushes AROUND the folks inside to keep them as safe as possible. I am so sorry to hear this. hang in there, my friend.
Wow, glad to hear everyone walked away relatively ok. Hope all the aches and pains and injuries go away soon. Hugs. x
oh my goodness :(
you must be in total shock.
I'm so glad that everyone got out alive, and hope they all recover both physically and mentally very soon!
Unbelievable how she is not seriously injured. This has got to be enough for you NOW! I completely understand how these things can stop you in your creative tracks. Hope the future is way less traumatic for you and your family.
Oh my gosh! That is terrible! I'm so thankful that everyone is doing fairly well. The way the car look it's a wonder.
so sorry for all these terrible events. but like you say, it's great that everyone didn't suffer any major injuries or worse.
wishing all a quick recovery.
Wow, that is amazing that your daughter is okay! Car accidents can be such a horrible thing on the body!
Big hugs to you and your family, I hope you have a better latter half of the year m'dear!
Hugs and many blessings
I feel so sorry for all of you and I wish you well after these terrible and potentially life altering accidents. I have been permanently injured due to a car wreck and will spend the rest of my life in pain. I am unable to even go outside much, (only for doctors visits and occasionally to the art store, that's it) as the wind causes me severe pain. After the accident I thought I would be fine. Again I wish you all well.
jeez Ingrid, no wonder you're not posting much if this is the scale of your life recently. that first car is terrifying. just glad to hear everyone has survived and hope they don't have any long lasting injuries.
Ingrid, I'm so very sorry you have all been going through this. How difficult it must be on all of you -- and all at once! For the life of me I cannot fathom how one tragedy could fall right on the heels of another. I know you must be very busy caring for everyone -- and I hope you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. xo
Omg! She is so lucky not to have been hurt...hmmmm,maybe she needs to put a good luck charm in her cars!!
Big hug to you and her as well!
Wow! I'm so sorry. That is scary stuff. God bless you and your family!!
someone is so sitting on her shoulder .... hopefully they will stay glued to her ... keeping all positive thought coming your and your families way .... Linda F
OMG, Ingrid! I am so glad to hear that the injuries suffered were not more severe! Sending good thoughts for quick recoveries!!
I am so sorry for the events of late and wish you and your family a full recovery.
Best of luck that there are no more accidents.
It kinda makes you not want to let any of your family out of the house!! But, apparently they all have alert guardian angels. :)
OMG!!!! Ingrid!! I am so glad everyone is okay! This should be IT for your family, at least for a while!!!
Those pics make me cringe! I am so sorry,but happy no one was...well hurt bad. All my cars have been like magnets for bad drivers,thought it was just me.
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